Exploring England




3-11-2011 Weekly Message – We have been told to watch.


The news of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan fill our TV and Internet channels right now.  You can search and watch and read what you want on the subject.   I am sure the death toll is much higher than being reported.  As a psychic I am feeling this every bit as strong but seemingly stronger than even 9-11 was.  The energy has nearly incapacitated me.  So many souls and so much pain and anguish and death going on.  Angels and spirits from all over being pulled there to help.  Something else is going on.  I fear it has to do with radiation.  My dreams are filled with people whose flesh is melting and falling away. 

(Insert author’s  perspective:

America dropped bombs on Japan in 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki .  The radiation flowed south through the water.  The hospital I was born at five years later in Tokyo was built over the river and condemned three months later and torn done because of radiation.  My parents were organic gardeners and rather than buy food at the commissary they planted their own gardens and fished in the river thinking they were being so much healthier and yet condemning us all to a life dealing with the effects of radiation.  My older sister died almost immediately.   Both my parents died of related cancer later in their lives.  From the time I was born I have lived my life with radiation related sensitivities and diseases.  I was very fortunate that a doctor took pity on me in my plight of waiting for a liver transplant that he went to Japan and studied medicine there for three months so he could get a better grasp of what I was going through.  The Japanese had been dealing with the issues for all those years since the bombs were dropped.  These feels so much the same and so many more will go through it again.)

Tim West (T) has pointed out the far reaching issues of a nuclear meltdown that is most likely going on and not being reported in the news or down played in the news.  I just pray that they will be able to contain it.  You can research and find more news of this yourself.  Keep in mind that another earthquake of strong magnitude is expected to hit Japan soon.  There is much activity still going on as evidenced by the recent crater collapse in Hawaii http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/07/crater-collapse-sends-lava-spewing-from-hawaii-volcanco/ .

In Mathew 24:42 we are told (when we see these things) Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Verse 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

Before moving on there are a couple more items I wish to point out for us to watch.

On the economic scene an eye opening video you can see here:  http://www.stansberryresearch.com/

I’m not proposing you subscribe to their newsletter unless you are into that sort of thing.  It is the content of the video itself that is important.

Of course the political scene is something else right now and certainly a reflection or sign of the chaos going on right now and also the many who are digging in their heels to not allow change.  No one would expect what happened in Germany to happen again but America seems ripe and ready for it.  We must pray about this.

Something we should be aware of on the Astronomy scene.   Solar Storms and Solar Flares (occurring after four years) February 15 and March 9, 2011:


This is just one website.  John Long listed another:


We know to watch.  We know we are going to see things like this going on in the world.  We need to care.  We need to pray.  We need to help where we can.  These things must happen before Christ will return.  These are not the things to get concerned and worried about. They are a sign to make ourselves ready.  This is a time for us to prepare ourselves.  The return of Christ, the coming of the kingdom are all referred to as a celebration, a joyous time, a feast.  Christ interrupts our lives to give us a warning.  The same warnings He talked about  in what we refer to as the Kingdom parables in Matthew 24 and 25.

Think on each of these Kingdom parables and do a personal study on them.

The wise and loyal servant, Matthew 24:45-51

The wise and foolish virgins, Matthew 25:1-13

The story of the three servants, Matthew 25:14-30

The King judging all his people, Matthew 25:31-46


Blessings, Rev.  Sharra