Exploring England





To Our Ministers, Members, Students and Friends

May 27, 2011



Opening Prayer

Our Divine and Loving Parent, all that we refer to as God, we come to you this hour asking for your blessing and help as we are gathered together with you. We pray for guidance in the matters at hand and ask that you would clearly show us how to conduct our life with a spirit of more joy and enthusiasm. Thank you for our freedom. Becuase we have the freedom to choose our own thougths we always are free. Give us the desire to find ways to succeed in all we do. Help us to work together and encourage each other. We ask that we would challenge each other to reach for thoughts that make us feel better, improve ourselves and achieve our purpose. Help each of us to understand what we are about and to reach higher and farther to be the best we can be. We ask this in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen


Opening Song

El Shaddai


A Little Church Humor

The Lord's Lottery

A Sure Fire Stewardship Program Designed And Developed By Dale Vitalis

Theological Basis:

'As a man winneth so will he giveth.' Hez 6:15

Purpose: The ' BLT' ( bottom line theory) is to get more money to find its way into the offering plates on Sunday mornings.

Plan: Three simple steps to explosive giving:

1. When the ushers bring the offering plates to the altar the pastor will place all the offering envelopes in a big round tumbler on the altar.

2. One of the acolytes will step forward and draw out one of the offeringenvelopes from the big round tumbler on the altar.

3. The 'winner' (person or family whose offering envelope is drawn) will receive DOUBLE THEIR MONEY BACK!!

Benefits: Fee-nominal!! Listed below are some of the outstanding benefits (blessings, if you serve a 'spiritual' congregation) from this 'Lord's Lottery Sure Fire Stewardship Program'

More and more members will begin using offering envelopes.
When you make the offering envelopes available only to members you will be astounded at how your membership will grow.

Members will naturally put in more money because they know that if their envelope is drawn they will get more back (never underestimate the intelligence of your members).

Your worship service will reach new heights of excitement. You can imagine the excitement and drama each Sunday as the winning envelope is drawn.

You will have no trouble lining up acolytes because of the excitement, honor, and prestige that comes with the job.

Your finance committee will never again have to worry about buying those expensive offering envelope boxes. When this new program catches on members will be more than willing to buy their own. You will also discover that many will buy more than one set of envelopes. I call this the 'bingo syndrome.'

Pastors will no longer have to work quite so hard on their sermons as that will no longer be the 'main event.'

General Announcements:

All ministers please remember to update your addresses and phone numbers information and let us know what you have been doing in your ministires this past year. You can update your informationusing our webform and your information will be recorded directly into the church's membership database as well as sent to Headquarters. Click here to update:


As long as you update your information each year, your name stays on the Active Minister Roster. As long as your name is on the Active Minister Roster, all certficates issued in the past by Dr. Ernest Steadman, Rev. Ed Crabtree or Rev. Sharra McDearmont are considered still in effect and will be upheld by the church.

New certificates are being sent out weekly by Rev. Sharra McDearmont. So far 120 certficates have been mailed out. The chore has been tedious because of back and forth emails and sometimes no responses or delayed responses. There is only one person creating, printing, logging and mailing out certificates and that is Rev. Sharra. In the interest of getting the task completed, Rev. Sharra will only send out a membership record, ordination certifcate and COIC ID card to the ministers that have furnished Church Headquarters with a Photo ID as proof of identity.

Rev. Sharra will post a list of names each week for certificates being mailed out in the Ministers section of the church forums. All church business will be recorded in the church forums. Please be sure that you are a registered member. You can visit the church forum here:



Memorial Day was first observed on May 30, 1868, when flowers were placed at the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. On this day we honor all who have died in service of our nation.

A Prayer for the upcoming Memorial Day:

Our Father,

We come before You this Memorial Day and call to mind all the men and women who have died in the service of our nation.

Please look with mercy on our brave and selfless brothers and sisters, who did not shirk from their task but gave themselves completely to the cause of defending and protecting us all. Bless all who have given their lives for the sake of libertyand bless the families and frieinds they have left behind with love and comfort and protection and care.

Wepray also for our brave men and women now serving in our Armed Forces, both at home and abroad. Please send your angels to guard and protect them all. Help them discharge their duties honorably and well. Please bring them safely home to their families and loved ones.

We ask this in Jesus's name,


Take a Moment to Reflect and Pray:
To help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed in December 2000 asking all Americans at 3 p.m. local time "to voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to 'Taps'."

Other Ways to Observe This Day:

  • Visit cemeteries and place flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes.
  • Visit local memorials.
  • Fly the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon.
  • Fly the POW/MIA Flag
  • Pledge to aid the widows, widowers, and orphans of our fallen soldiers, and to aid the disabled veterans.


Take Time to Heal Meditation (Click on Picture)





Regular Attendance - Internet Church versus Brick and Mortar


Often when I talk to other ministers in our local area, I am reminded by them that weekly church attendance is vital for a Christ-follower. They point out that Hebrews 10:25 teaches us not to forsake or give up physically meeting together on a regular basis. Some consider this part of the’ proof’ that someone is indeed a Christian. They do not see that a church that operates on the internet could qualify and my decision to only put out one message a month made the criticism worse. Even some in the COIC were concerned when I cut back and quit doing a message every week.


Their thoughts hinge on the verse Hebrews 10:25 so I will start this discussion with that: “You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing, but you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the day coming.” (NVC) (The footnotes of my bible say, The day Christ will come to judge all people and take His people to live with him. We won’t go into minister accountability here but a simple reminder to all that "concerning that hour no one knows" regarding the second coming of Christ.)


This verse was written in the first century AD. Email, internet, cell phones, texting, faxing or FedEx overnight didn’t exist then. The only way these early Christians could meet together was face to face and true we can still meet together today face-to-face. The writer of Hebrews was urging Christians to stay in physical contact with the body of Christ. It is important we understand that the body of Christ referred to the people themselves not to a ‘church building’ for in those times they did not have buildings designated as ‘churches’ other than the Jewish synagogues. They were not being urged to regularly attend services in a ‘church building’ or meeting hall designated for services.

Of course, as a part of the body of Christ, the original Christians who received the book of Hebrews were, just as we are, ‘The Church’. ‘The Church’ is not something we go to like a building or meeting place to meet with others who think and believe as we do. “The Church’ is something we are. ‘The Church’ is who we are—not the places we go. We take ‘The Church’ to places we go, for we are ‘The Church’.


(The ideas that come from this one verse have so often been the ‘stick’ to beat believers with. Because of such strong teachings in certain congregations I have seen a total disregard in the area of quarantine and sickness. People feeling they cannot miss a service no matter how sick they are have passed their germs on to young children and elderly folks who are often too weak to withstand the diseases. Ministers want all their church members in services so they will give offerings and support the church building and the expenses it generates. )


As followers of Jesus Christ and His teachings we are part of the body of Christ. We are members of the universal church which defies denominational boundaries and corporate limitations. Part of our being ‘The Church’ is to share who we are with others. In addition to being members of this large spiritual association known as the family of God, we may if we wish join ourselves together in denominational entities and groups. Part of sharing ourselves can be to correspond/commune/discuss as we are doing right now with others who think and believe as we do. We can commune with others who may not share our exact beliefs but who are followers of Christ and are part of the Universal body of Christ.


We can meet together in an official place, a building that calls itself a church, or we can do this in a place that does not call itself a church, such as in this email or on our website. We can do this at a particular time each week or we can do this at any and all times of the week. We can meet with a large group or just a few. The thing is we do not need to go to a specific place with a specific group of people to share our faith and beliefs with fellow followers of Christ or with others who are not Christians. Our online church is simply a ‘church’ without walls. I think of the fact that Brick and Mortar churches often hide our light. It is the nature of Brick and Mortar churches. An online church without walls will ‘let our light shine to the world”!


How we as followers of Christ stay in contact with each other – how we meet together – is our individual decision to make. It is not a decision that any group, denomination, minister or priest can demand of us. Whether we choose to attend formal or informal gatherings or ‘do church’ in traditional or less traditional ways as long as we are receiving help, inspiration, direction and exhortation that is what matters.


Also there is nothing in Hebrews, or any place in the New Testament, that condemns us for not “going to” church a specific number of times in a given period of time. Putting the verse Hebrews 10:25 back into context, the focus of this verse is on ‘being the church’ and on being ‘free in Christ’. We are not to be chained down by religion, but we are to be free in Christ, free for Christ, and free to be ‘The Church’ or ‘Christ’s body’ in the ways that Christ calls us to do which may differ from what we have been used to in the past.


I understand that it is still very important that we do not forsake meeting together or the coming together with other believers in order to stir up one another to God’s love and the good works of the Holy Spirit and being there for each other to encourage, comfort, and restore one another. While there may be some who cannot understand how part of this can be done on the internet and through email, many of us can. Technology allows us to meet with other people from around the world but I also talk with other believers over my kitchen table or sitting in my living room or when I visit them in hospitals, nursing homes etc. We must be careful not to use Hebrews 10:25 as a big stick to abuse ourselves or other people by. We need to yield ourselves to Christ rather than to religion or the dogma of it.

Blessings, Rev. Sharra


Closing Song

Above All


Closing Prayer

All loving Father and Creator as we come to the end of our time together we thank you for what has been accomplished in our hearts and spirits today. We thank you for healing and renewing us. May the matters discussed serve as a catalyst to move us forward and cause us to advance and see growth in all areas of our lives. May we leave here recognizing You are the God of all wisdom and You are willing to lead us forward. This we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen

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Copyright © 2011 Reverend Sharra McDearmont, Church of Interfaith Christians. All rights reserved.