Encouraging Words and Thoughts

imagesExalt One Another

November 15, 2010

“Let each of you regard one another as more important than himself” (Phil. 2:3).

“Through love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13).

“Let another praise you . . . a stranger, and not your own lips” (Prov. 27:2).

Let us consistently taking notice of others’ achievements, recognizing others’ skills and contributions . . . and saying so. That’s called serving others in love. And that’s what Christ did.

Have Mercyimages (4)

November 15, 2010

True followers of Jesus are Merciful.

The apostle John asks: “If someone who is supposed to be a Christian . . . sees a brother in need, and won’t help him—how can God’s love be within him?” (1 John 3:17, TLB).

Christ’s true followers are merciful. They care about people. They get involved and help. They’re not afraid to get dirty, if necessary. They do more than just offer pious words and prayers.

And what do they get in return? What has Christ promised? (Mt. 5:7) “They shall receive mercy.” Those who remain detached, distant, and disinterested in others will receive the same treatment themselves. But God promises that those who reach out and demonstrate mercy will, in turn, receive it. Both from other people as well as from God Himself.

That is exactly what Jesus, our Savior, did for us when He came to earth. He became human, flesh and blood. That made it possible for Him to see life through our eyes, feel the sting of our pain, and identify with the anguish of human need. He understands. Let us now understand and give mercy.

A Fantastic Change Has Begun in Christianity.images (17)

This slogan signifies to progressive Christians that they have found a fresh breath of air, and after reading several web pages, Christians that also practice other paths such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca, Paganism, or other Earth based traditions, realize that they have found an inclusive home. Others who may practice only a Christian path, but who are tired of doctrine and dogma that seems to be the anti thesis to the very teachings of Christ also find a spiritual home there as well.

Our Beloved Founder

Prepared by Laurie Ann Giampietro