God is a god of abundance (not just surviving)

God is a god of abundance. He wants us to ask not only for all our needs but for our wants and desires as well. He wants us to want and desire but in a wholesome way. I’ve never quite understood why it is that some of us will only ask for our very basic needs, such as for our health or to pay necessary bills. God is able to experience through our expansion of thought. As our thought expands the Universe expands and God’s experience expands. Jesus said; “Ask and you shall receive.” Two of my favorite verses in the Bible are Mathew 7:7 and Mathew 21:22. But these true teachings of Jesus are taught in other faiths and other tribes. In one way or another we all will ask at least for some things if not all our desires.

We may pray, we may light a candle, say affirmations or many number of ways that we can focus on and ask for what we need, what we want, what we desire. We may ask for healing. There is no doubt that healing is God’s will. We might not feel so strongly about, say, a million dollars. We may be concerned about our bills piling up or needing a job. God understands that. (Neither of these are examples of asking amiss.) Lay your bills (or pieces of paper with each bill’s name on them) out in front of you and “ask” over them. Once you have asked hen be ready t receive. You must believe that God does and will provide you answers. Do not allow yourself to doubt. Should doubt creep in replace it with a better thought. Think in present .terms that you already have your answers. You have received in abundance.

Moses told us God’s name is “I am that I am.” There is power in the words I am. Every time we use them we are invoking the power of God. Some use the words “I am” in statements we call affirmations. I am (fill in the blank.) Also using the words, “I am that I am” simply substitute what it is that you are wanting for the word “that.” I am abundance I am. I am love I am. I am perfect health I am. For me it is just statements I repeat to myself when I get scared, start to doubt or think negatively. Some of the statements I might repeat are: I am abundance; I am debt free; I am happy; I am well; I am completely healed; I am physically fit and healthy.

Remember the words “I am” are God’s words. As children of God we not only bear his name but we are given the “I am” Legacy. We are authorized to use these words with the power behind them while we are co-creating our lives. We must be responsible though and careful how we use these words. God would never say things like “I am sick”;” I am poor”; “I am worthless” and neither should we. We should be careful and ever say negative things with the words, “I am.”

It helps in our asking and prayers if we are coming from a place of pure gratitude. Do we appreciate every good thing that happens to and for us and do we think to thank God for it? It is so important to think of and appreciate everything in our lives. I’m sure everyone ha heard of keeping a gratitude journal and making long lists of things in their lives to be grateful for. I’ve gotten in the habit of asking for things in my morning prayers and throughout the day as others ask me to pray for them as well. Then before going to bed I say “Thank you God” for everything I can think of that makes my life just a little bit better. I remember as I started out doing this it was hard to come up with 30 things for one day but not any more. There is so much to be thankful for and being thankful will alter our asking and assures God we understand the process and how it works.