2015 New Year

I trust that everyone has made it through the Christmas season intact? I thoroughly enjoy the customs that come together at this time of year from so many different traditions. (You will find it so interesting to read about the history of Christmas). Most endearing to me is the part Christmas has played in America. Do you ever think about where America belongs in the prophecies of the Bible? Do you wonder about what may be left out of the Bible?

The 2015 New Year has just passed on our calendars. (I personally look to the beginning of Spring as the New Year but even so I too start my preparations now.) Are you one who writes goals down for yourself every year? I used to. It is certainly a great way to organize our intended actions for the year. Even so it seldom seemed to work out for me. How about for you? This year I have decided to use intents and “I am” statements. I will talk more about intents and “I am” statements in a separate message .

I truly want to thank Robert Mendelson for starting the discussion he has and I’m thrilled at the many responses to his article. Thank you Robert for talking about the goals of the COIC and in a way I know Dr. Steadman himself would have. There is so much to think about here and I would welcome the comments of many as to where they think the COIC should take this. What do you see as the COIC goals for the year?

Once again I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Peace and Good Will,
Dr. Sharra